樓高 18層的皇室堡座落銅鑼灣黃金地段,以嶄新時尚格局,打造獨特風格的一站式購物、娛樂及消閒熱點。皇室堡匯聚超過 150 間國際及本地知名品牌,包括逾20 間中外食府;佔地超過80,000平方呎,集20多個童裝及玩具品牌的「兒童皇國」,為港島區最大的一站式童裝、玩具及幼兒用品集中地;設備齊全的戲院;以及佔地超過 35,000 平方呎的「電腦及數碼廣場」,總零售樓面達 410,000 平方呎。皇室堡集各式購物商店,加上交通便捷,只需步行兩分鐘即可到達銅鑼灣港鐵站,使皇室堡成為銅鑼灣區內最受歡迎的人氣購物商場之一。
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Located at the heart of Causeway Bay district, Windsor House is a 18-storey one-stop shopping and entertainment complex brimming with over 150 renowned brands and 20 restaurants, a multi-screen cinema, over 35,000 sq. ft. computer and digital centre with a total area of approximately 410,000 sq. ft. The great variety of shops together with proximity to Causeway Bay MTR station and other transportation means make Windsor House one of the largest shopping center in Causeway Bay.
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A one-stop Shopping Directory, with all shops information as well as reservation hotline of all restaurants at Windsor House
311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2895 0668
Website: http://www.windsorhouse.hk